All images courtesy of Amazon Studios

As residents of Erinsborough, past and present, descended on Erinsborough High to protest the closure of the school, things ended up getting a little out of hand.

In Monday’s episode we saw the crowds get increasingly raucous, eventually pushing past a line of police Officers to storm the school, causing damage as they ran riot through the hallways. Terese’s private security firm turned up to help get the protesters out of the building, but as the guards jostled with teacher Marty Muggleton, unaware that Melanie was right behind him. Mel got knocked and fell head-first down a flight of stairs, being left unconscious as the guards locked the building up.

As the crowds dispersed, Jane realises that Melanie hadn’t been seen for a while and begins a search of the school with the help of Andrew, Toadie and Terese. Toadie finds Melanie with a serious head wound and unresponsive. Distressed, he calls an ambulance as he watches his former wife slipping away.

At the hospital, Remi informs Jane that Melanie has suffered a high-grade concussion and is slipping in and out of consciousness. She has also shattered her shoulder from the fall, which will need reconstruction surgery. The fall was particularly dangerous for Melanie, having been diagnosed with osteoporosis in 2021, meaning her bones are fragile and more likely to break.

As Mel regains consciousness and begins to stabilise, she sees Toadie waiting outside and asks for him to be sent away, the last thing she needs is to be more distressed. As he begins to leave, alarm bells ring from Melanie’s room. She has once again become unconscious and unresponsive, her blood pressure has plummeted. Remi diagnoses that she has a bleed on the brain and if Melanie has any chance of survival, she needs immediate surgery.

Melanie is rushed to the operating room, Toadie and Nell look on, concerned, a wave of guilt washing over Terese that her staff are responsible for this and Mel may lose her life.

Will Mel survive? Find out tomorrow as new episodes of Neighbours drop at 7am Monday-Thursday on Amazon Freevee and Amazon Prime Video.

By Matt Sole

Matt was a Neighbours fan through the late 1980s and 1990s. After a number of years living overseas he returned to the UK and fell in love with Ramsay Street again in 2017. Away from Neighbours, Matt spent many years working as an Entertainment Director for a major Cruise Line. He is also an avid quizzer and has appeared on many TV game shows including Bridge of Lies, competing with other members of the team.