It really was a busy week in Erinsborough. Haz’s friends rallied around as he fought for his life, even Trevor made a special appearance at the hospital, but his condition doesn’t seem to be improving. Will Holly be able to track down his family as he lays in a coma?
JJ learned the truth about why Felix has been returning all of his letters unopened. Will Remi and Cara’s meddling in their son’s life send him off the rails?
Susan began her new job at Eirini Rising, but it wasn’t all plain sailing. As the opening date fast approaches, will Susan be able to stop Terese from micro-managing?
The biggest change was in the world of Chelsea Murphy, with Krista’s memory magically returning (Neighbours does love a bit of temporary amnesia, doesn’t it?) the truth behind Chelsea’s actions were revealed. Paul called off the engagement and Chelsea left Erinsborough with her tail between her legs and a box of pregnancy tests in her suitcase…
So, let’s see what is happening next week in Erinsborough with a set of teasers. As always, we are leaving some of the juiciest bits of the story out, so make sure you watch every day to find out exactly what happens on Ramsay Street.

After a rocky first day, Susan is adamant that she is going to make her new position work out.. but despite Susan’s intent, she struggles as Terese continues to micromanage and redo all of Susan’s work. They both feel the awkwardness in the air but, at work, keep it professional. At home, they tell their respective partners about the challenge of two friends working together. The husbands encourage their wives to communicate with each other, but Susan and Terese would rather not upset the apple cart and are willing to carry on as they are…

Karl, just days away from his final shift at Erinsborough Hospital, suggests that Remi apply for the Senior Medical Officer role that is becoming vacant. Remi is flattered that Karl thinks she should do it, but she doesn’t feel that now is the right time. (Let’s face it, she is the best doctor they have. She has been there 6 months and there are no medical malpractice lawsuits against her, so that is a first.)
Dr Bowman realises that Remi is considering applying and, whilst he says he isn’t interested in the role himself, he is willing to support Remi and help her draw up a pros and cons list to help her decide if she should go for it.

Seeing that both Krista and Leo are hurting in not being together and keen to fix what he had a hand in breaking, Paul decides to try and bring the couple back together, roping in Cara to create a romantic brunch at Lassiters’ very own murder rotunda. Inviting them both for a ‘business brunch’, Leo quickly works out what his father is up to and tells Paul he is too hurt to give things another go. Krista turns up for the brunch and finds Paul packing everything away. She realises what he had planned… and realises that Leo has backed out. Feeling sorry for Krista, Paul invites her to join him for lunch instead and the two spend time together.
Paul makes it a priority to remove all traces of Chelsea from the hotel and begins working closely with Krista once again.
Drug dealer Shannon is still hanging around and when she hassles Krista about buying more gear, Leo spots her and steps in to scare her off. Rather than be appreciative of being her saviour, Krista explains that she doesn’t need a knight in shining armour to sweep in and ‘save’ her. He had made it clear he doesn’t want to be around her and so he shouldn’t be involving himself in her life.
Paul sees what has happened and feels truly bad for Leo. Whilst he wants to support his son, he reveals he is planning to leave for New York for the funeral of his beloved Aunt Rosemary.
During the earlier confrontation, Shannon had accidentally dropped a small baggie of pills on the ground, they lay there undetected until Abigail picks them up whilst playing in the grass.

Andrew drops in to see the Varga-Murphys and can tell that the situation hasn’t improved and JJ is still giving his mums the cold shoulder. Cara and Remi toy with the idea of letting JJ visit Felix so that he can see for himself what a deadbeat he is, but they aren’t 100% sure and would rather think about it a bit more.
Andrew gets an unexpected call from the prison, Felix is ill and wants to see his brother. He is unsure if seeing the brother he had vowed to disown was a good idea and talks it over with Wendy. Little does he know that Nell is listening in and runs straight to JJ to tell him that Andrew is seeing Felix.
JJ confronts Andrew begging to see Felix, reluctantly, he caves in and takes JJ with him without clearing it with Cara and Remi.
At first, JJ is excited to see his biological father, but quickly becomes heartbroken again when Felix says that even without Remi and Cara’s interference, he would not have stayed in touch with JJ. He doesn’t want a son, he doesn’t need a friend. Although Andrew can see JJ is hurt, he thanks Felix for being so honest and leaves the prison, closing the door on the relationship with his brother for good.
Remi and Cara are furious when they find out where JJ has been, but Andrew explains what has happened and Cara, Remi and Dex step up to support JJ. The family are reunited and realise that Andrew has helped them all close this chapter of their story.

Mackenzie is struggling to juggle her job with the time she spends at the hospital caring for Haz, who is still in a coma and unresponsive. The stress and strain gets even worse when Mack spots that Lassiters is advertising for someone new to take over the lease of the coffee shop. Toadie confirms that Lassiters is well within their rights to take this action, so Mackenzie decides that she will find a way to save Harold’s.
Whipping up support from the residents of Ramsay Street, Harold’s manages to reopen its doors and, with a little help from her friends and neighbours, Mack is delighted that the coffee shop is a success. Even a sceptical Paul is impressed and tells Mackenzie that they can keep the Harold’s contract.
Despite coming through for Haz, Mack is still riddled with guilt and tells a comatose Haz that she has been hiding something from him. Now that she nearly lost him, she has realised that she doesn’t want to be without him. Despite willing him to wake, Haz remains unresponsive.
Mackenzie begins cleaning Haz’s room, telling him about how everyone has pulled together to save the coffee shop. Busying herself, Mack doesn’t notice that Haz’s hand is starting to twitch…

Jane’s ex-husband, Vic Stone arrives unexpectedly in Erinsborough. Nicolette is thrilled to see her father, Byron less so… and Jane is just suspicious. Vic admits that he is having cash flow issues and wants to stay with Byron, proving Jane’s suspicions were correct. Wherever Vic is, drama soon follows.
Mackenzie, who was estranged from her own father, encourages Byron to put his feelings to one side and try to build a bridge with Vic. Life is too short to hold grudges.
Reluctantly, Byron tells his father he can move in temporarily. Vic is delighted to spend quality time with his son, He admits that he was an unreliable father but wants Byron to know that he does love him, a statement which really takes Byron by surprise.
When Vic is alone, he opens his computer on the kitchen table and logs into his online banking. Rather than being penniless, his bank account contains over one million pounds. Why is Vic lying about being broke?
The next day, thinking that the computer on the table is Byron’s, Sadie opens it and sees something that alarms her. Vic begs her to forget what she has just seen and not say a word to anyone. Sadie declares that Jane, Byron and Nic deserve to know about what she has seen, but he insists that it is his decision to share the information with the family. Sadie reluctantly agrees to go along with keeping Vic’s secret. Victor innocently places a hand on Sadie’s arm as he is talking to her, just as Byron walks in. Knowing of his father’s womanising ways, Byron encourages Sadie to tell him if Vic is making her feel uncomfortable. Sadie dismisses his concerns, holding on to Vic’s secret.
When Jane and Vic meet up, Jane is shocked to get a sincere apology for the way that she was treated by Vic. Having time to reflect, he admits that marrying Jane was the truest thing he ever did. Unconvinced, Jane cuts him off mid-conversation and demands that he admits he wants money from her. Embarrassed and surprised, Vic assures Jane he doesn’t want any of her money…

Still on his fitness kick and with Melanie off on her travels, Karl cajoles Aaron into joining him on a bike ride. With fresh air in his lungs, Aaron reluctantly admits that a bit of exercise in the fresh air is just what he needed.
When the pair make a pit stop, a paranoid Karl thinks that a group of younger riders are making fun of him being Doctor Pooper. When he confronts them, he manages to embarrass himself, the group had never heard of the legend of Doctor Pooper, until now.
Trying to make amends and get more cycling buddies, Karl suggests that he and Aaron join forces with this group to ride together. The leader of the group tells Karl their club has a name, they are the “YAHMILS”, which stands for Young And Hot Men In Lycra. Whilst Aaron is more than welcome to join, Karl doesn’t fit the criteria.
After bringing Doctor Pooper back to life and being called out for his age, Karl is left to stew in fresh humiliation.

New episodes of Neighbours are available to stream on Amazon Freevee and Amazon Prime Video from 7am, Monday-Thursday.