All images courtesy of Amazon MGM Studios

Another week in Erinsborough and we would like to congratulate Holly Hoyland for managing to survive the entire week without getting kidnapped. She did get arrested, but that is a whole different drama for her.

The fallout from the siege was widespread, with troubles in the Rodwell marriage escalating, exposure of Holly’s crime and the trauma she has carried with her from recent events and also the siege managed to make Terese drift closer back towards Paul…

It has been a tough week for Mrs Willis, the feelings of loneliness as she lived her first week without Toadie, Nell and Hugo around and nobody, not her family nor her nearby friends and neighbours, seemed to be able to make time for her.

Then there is the Felix/Varga-Murphy drama. Cara’s reaction to Felix being around seems to be excessive… but is she slowly coming around to the idea that Felix may actually be a reformed character.

Melanie is back on the dating scene… but we don’t know how Jane will feel when she finds out who Melanie’s new man is.

Elsewhere in Erinsborough, the drama was slightly lighter as Krista assembled her band of ‘Boylesque’ dancers. Aaron is, unsurprisingly, signed up, even Sarge is ready to shake his money maker and Byron finally agreed to help Krista out… will everything go to plan and which other Erinsborough residents will be part of the show? (Gino Esposito, we are looking at you!).

Let’s take a look at what will be happening next week in the four episodes of Neighbours. As always, we will hold some of the details back, so you will have to make sure you watch every day to see everything unfold.


Melanie goes on a first date with her mystery man, completely unaware that he is Jane’s ex-husband. After an awkward start to their time together, the pair get into a groove and start to enjoy each other’s company… until they are spotted by Jane and Nicolette and Vic’s identity is revealed. (If Vic didn’t want to see his family, why would he go on a date to the pub where they all regularly go?)

Once Mel works out what has happened, she tells Vic they can’t possibly see each other again, to which he agrees, but neither of them are happy at the idea of losing their connection.


After being rumbled on his date with Melanie at The Waterhole, Vic tries to come clean. He admits that he was wrong to walk out when he got his diagnosis and wants to earn their forgiveness. This rare moment of humility shocks some of the family, but Byron refuses to consider accepting any kind of apology from his father. Nicolette seems more open to forgiveness, Byron quickly points out that she has always been too quick to forgive Vic’s behaviour, only to get burnt time and time again. Nicolette is convinced that this time will be different.

On his 2024 Apology Tour, Vic heads to see Leo, making a sincere apology for backing out of the Yorokobi deal, but Leo refuses to listen to what Vic has to say.

He tries again to get Jane on side, explaining that he was in a state of emotional overload in learning that he wasn’t dying, but Jane continues to be mistrustful of him.

With his children, Vic tells Byron that he wants to give him and Nicolette $100,000 each to make up for the money he promised them. But Byron isn’t interested in being bought off.

Vic’s biggest setback comes when he visits Nic. She is offended at being the last person he goes to to make an apology and feels that her father takes her support for granted. Rather than the loving welcome he expected, Nicolette tells Vic she wants him to leave town.

Byron eventually accepts the cash offer to help reduce his debts, but on the understanding that it is not linked to any kind of forgiveness. Nicolette is steadfast and refuses the cash.

Jane takes the lead to protect her children and tells Vic that the cash cannot be used to buy forgiveness. Vic is left deflated but he finds a sympathetic ear in Melanie and the pair decide to go for a drink together… purely as friends.


Terese is deeply conflicted about her last interaction with Paul, but can’t help but be drawn back towards him and invites him to lunch to thank him for his support after Toadie and the kids left.

Jane warns Paul about the impact he is having on Terese and he tries to keep his feelings in check, but fails when Terese lightly touches his arm.

Paul admits to Leo that he is tempted to cross the line with Terese and vows to keep his distance from her… Paul even talks to Susan, asking for her help in keeping Terese away from him and supporting Terese.

True to his word, Paul stays away from Terese, even ignoring her text messages. Terese feels the sting of rejection and confides in Susan, who suggests the pair head for a friendly brunch as a diversion. Terese is initially too focused on Paul to accept Susan’s invite, but eventually works out a way to use it to her advantage.

Susan quickly realises that she is being used by Terese to create chances where they may bump into Paul and Susan is left with no choice but to explain why Paul is avoiding her – his feelings are too strong and he doesn’t trust himself.

Susan hopes that the truth will make it easy for Terese to understand why staying away from Paul is a good thing, instead, she admits that nothing feels as good as Paul’s attention, leaving Susan worried for hat her friend may do.


Aaron works with Byron to try and get his routine down, but Byron just doesn’t seem to be able to deliver the goods… until he remembers something he used to do for one of his old clients…

Aaron, the most experienced dancer, is practising his dance moves when he suddenly falls down, clutching his hamstring. At first he hides the injury, claiming he has just stubbed his toe. Byron quickly sees through the lie though and Aaron admits that he is going to struggle to carry on with the show.

Byron comes up with a plan, Aaron can join him in his solo routine, Byron will do all the difficult dance moves and the pair can create a hot duet show.

Leo is desperate to make sure that he doesn’t have to be part of the show so he manages to recruit Real Estate Agent Rhett into the event. Rhett is a little hesitant at first, but when he learns that Aaron will be teaching him choreography, he happily accepts.

Leo instantly sees that Rhett wants to get close to Aaron, but Aaron dimisses that idea of a romantic attraction. At the first rehearsal, Rhett’s behaviour makes Aaron think Leo might be right…


Andrew and Wendy continue to navigate their distance from each other. After taking a few days to contemplate Wendy’s frustrations, Andrew reaches out to try and talk, but Wendy is riled up by how long it has taken Andrew to come to her and she refuses to let him dictate when is a good time to talk.

Unhappy with how Wendy has shut him out, Andrew becomes increasingly short-tempered with everyone around him.

Wendy expects to find a sympathetic ear in her daughter, but Sadie isn’t interested in listening to her mother vent. Wendy tries to find support from Remi instead, but instead she points out that nothing will get better until Wendy and Andrew sit down to talk. Deep down, Wendy knows that Remi is right.

Wendy prepares a special meal for Andrew to create an opportunity for them to talk, but when he returns home from work, he is in a bad mood and he doesn’t want to engage with Wendy.

Even at work, Andrew’s attitude is poor and he ends up yelling at a junior officer, which leads to Andrew receiving a warning. Later that day, a suspect rubs Andrew up the wrong way and the full force of Andrew’s anger is released towards the unsuspecting man. Andrew crosses a line and he is suspended from his job.


Covering a shift at the tram, Holly is on edge and even the noise of cutlery clattering triggers her. When a car backfires, Holly struggles to keep it together and Felix notices that Holly isn’t doing well.

Felix tries to reach out to Holly but he shuts her down quickly, trying to convince him (and probably herself) that she is alright.

Later that night, Holly returns to the tram to discover that Felix is sleeping there. It looks like Holly isn’t the only person keeping secrets…

Holly reveals to Karl that Felix is living in the tram, but rather than being angry, Karl is sympathetic to Felix’s reasoning, he doesn’t want to be around criminals at the halfway house and risk getting mixed up in something.

Holly is incensed by Karl’s decision to let Felix continue staying at the tram and Susan is surprised by the reaction. Felix was the hero of the siege and may have saved people’s lives.

Holly is forced to cover up the reason for her resentment towards Felix – the fact that he has spotted her struggles and is trying to force her to face up to her PTSD.

She tells Felix she doesn’t want to discuss her situation with him again, but he gifts her a book on surviving trauma, which she immediately throws into the dishwasher.


Cara finds out that she passed the re-sit of her assignment that Dex had originally completed for her. She is relieved but also surprised when the uni offers Dex a chance to start doing computer science subjects early whilst he completes high school.

Initially, Dex is resistant, insisting that he just wants to be a normal teenager with his friends. After consulting with the university, it is decided to enroll Dex in an independent college which holds classes a few times a week outside school hours as a compromise.

Can Andrew and Wendy work through their issues and is Andrew’s suspension only going to add to their problems? Can Terese manage to make Paul break his resolve? Is the Boylesque show doomed? Will Felix be able to get Holly to face up to her PTSD?

You will have to watch the new episodes of Neighbours streaming on Amazon Freevee and Amazon Prime Video from 7am Monday-Friday to see exactly what happens on Ramsay Street.

By Matt Sole

Matt was a Neighbours fan through the late 1980s and 1990s. After a number of years living overseas he returned to the UK and fell in love with Ramsay Street again in 2017. Away from Neighbours, Matt spent many years working as an Entertainment Director for a major Cruise Line. He is also an avid quizzer and has appeared on many TV game shows including Bridge of Lies, competing with other members of the team.