As always, the drama never ends in Erinsborough and last week was no exception as Wendy’s double life was finally busted by Andrew and Sadie walking in on a party in the garden of No.26.
Elsewhere, after Byron’s dishonest actions, Leo is left with no other option but to work with the Stone family and Kiri to help save Yorokobi. With Nic and Kiri in close proximity, will this work out? Nic is clearly desperate to get back with Kiri, but are the feelings mutual?
And Toadie… poor Toadie… He is lost. He is haunted by the memories of both Sonya and Dee. His other former wife is living two doors away and despite appearances, are things REALLY back on track for him and Terese?
So, let us take a look at the stories that we will see in the four episodes of Neighbours next week. As always, we have left out some of the details, so you will have to tune in to see exactly what happens in Erinsborough!

After Wild Wendy’s party was busted by Andrew and Sadie, you would think that all of her secrets are all out – and Cara definitely thinks that is the case. Seeing that Andrew is slightly amused by the whole Wild Wendy story, Cara comments that she is surprised Andrew wasn’t more upset about Wendy telling everyone she was single – a fact that Andrew was totally unaware of.
Wendy downplays the story as a silly game she played to fit in, but Andrew is convinced that Wendy would have kept up the lie if she hadn’t been busted.
Eventually Wendy admits that she actually enjoyed living a different reality for a short while. What Andrew takes from that is that Wendy enjoyed thinking that he and Sadie didn’t exist.
Wendy is left worried for the future of her family life when Andrew doesn’t come home….
Desperately trying to track her husband down, Wendy makes a scene at the Police Station, only to discover that Andrew has been working late. Seeing that his wife is truly afraid of what will happen with their marriage, Andrew assures Wendy that they will be OK eventually, he is hurt, but it will just take a bit of time to get back on track.

Realising the problems that the lies have caused in the seemingly perfect Rodwell marriage, Cara realises that she can’t lie to Remi and tells her about the courses she is doing at the Uni. Of course, Cara’s worries were completely unfounded and Remi actually supports Cara’s move back into education, however, that doesn’t remove Cara’s insecurities and she pushes Remi away.
Aware how Cara is feeling about her perceived intelligence, Remi visits the Uni and hypes Cara up. Reluctantly accepting her wife’s praise, Cara begins to accept that she might be OK at Uni after all…

With the truth out – both JJ and Dex are interested in Nell – things get weird between the brothers and as the group return from Luna Park, even Nell picks up on a weird vibe that is hanging around.
Dex confronts JJ about how he is hurt that he was lied to about Nell and is convinced that JJ was purposely giving bad relationship advice so that Nell wouldn’t fall for Dex.
JJ explains that he wouldn’t ever sabotage Dex’s relationship with Nell and won’t act on his own feelings, but Dex is left concerned that Nell is giving JJ more attention than him.
Nell is left bemused when both brothers turn down her suggestion to walk to school together. Dex feels it would make him the jerk if he continued to pursue the girl his brother likes, so none of the three are happy and JJ is left full of regret over the whole situation.

Mackenzie is beyond excited when she wins a court case she has been working on, but the celebration is short-lived when Haz points out how absent Toadie has been as a mentor in recent weeks.
Mack is shocked when a job offer comes in from a rival law firm. There is no way that Mack could accept the job, after-all, Toadie is family.
At a special dinner, Toadie, unaware of the job offer, apologises for neglecting his responsibilities at the law firm and he promises to be more present at work, leaving Mack confident that turning down the job offer is the right thing to do.
Toadie later finds out about the potential new job, but Mack reassures him that she has no intention of taking it. This makes Toadie realise how much he has been neglecting his responsibilities at work and taking Mack for granted.

After being confronted by memories of both Sonya and Dee last week, Toadie continues to struggle with his past as he wanders around the crumbling remains of Sonya’s nursery, remembering how much of a passion project this was for his late wife.
Determined to keep her memory alive, he pulls out of helping Cara renovate the sunroom at No.30 and puts all of his effort into getting the nursery back into a useable condition.
With emotion overflowing, Toadie confides in Karl about how reminders of his past are haunting him. Karl encourages him to confide in Terese about how he is struggling, but he can’t bring himself to be honest with his wife.
He lies and says the nursery is doing fine, leaving her in the dark about the state of the business and about how he is struggling with his feelings.
Toadie realises how much he has just been drifting, in both his personal and professional life. He promises to Terese that he will do better, but is knocked off course when Melanie admits that she was never meant to be with Toadie..

Lamenting about the lack of affection in her marriage, Susan is encouraged by Terese to take the afternoon off and spend some time with her husband away from work. When Toadie drags Karl off to the nursery, Susan resorts to plan B and arranges some alone time at Eirini Rising.
Susan decides to set a sensual date up in Karl’s consulting room and strips off, waiting for her husband to arrive. The door opens… but it isn’t Karl. Susan has been busted by one of the residents!

At their first big event together at Yorokobi, Nic is desperate to impress Leo and Kiri, but struggles to find a babysitter for Isla.
A conversation with Mackenzie forces Kiri to reconsider if her feelings for Nicolette have changed since finding out the whole truth about the Sasha situation. She extends an olive branch to Nic, encouraging her to bring Isla to work.
Over the course of the event, the ice begins to thaw between the two… could there be a way back for these former lovers?
Following the success of the event and seeing the way this new team can pull together to make things happen, Leo decides to make the partnership official. Both Nic and Kiri commit to the business and they begin to celebrate, but looking on, Krista can’t keep the secret any longer and tells Leo about the phone call between Byron and the investor…
Furious, Leo confronts Byron and calls off their partnership without even giving Byron a chance to explain.
Byron is left to apologise to Nicolette for involving her in the mess, but Nic’s main concern is that leaving the winery means she will no longer be in Kiri’s orbit.
Determined to make things up to his sister, Byron tells Kiri about Bic’s feelings and begs her to not let his mistake get in the way of a possible reunion.
Encouraged by Byron’s plea, Kiri joins Nic and Isla on a trip to the beach and they all see to enjoy the time together. The vibe is very relaxed, encouraging Nicolette to be honest with her feelings about Kiri, who admits she is cautious about jumping back in. Nicolette states her case on why she wants them to get back together… and Kiri interrupts her with a passionate kiss…

Following a loving celebration of Leo’s success, Krista returns to Lassiters to be faced with a plethora of disasters that have all been caused by Brett’s poor decision-making. Scrambling around, trying to resolve the issues, Krista is astounded when Brett walks in and tries to undermine her.
Finally, Krista snaps and fires Brett. She has had enough of his irresponsible behaviour. Left standing in a tsunami of drama, Krista thinks things can’t get any worse – only to see Tess Carmichael walk in.
Tess demands that Krista recoups all of the losses caused by Brett’s bad decision-making, leaving Krista feeling broken. She confesses to Leo how stressed she is working under the supervision of Tess. When he suggests bringing Lassiters into a project he is working on at Yorokobi, the business plan impresses Tess. Krista is relieved that Tess is happy, not realising that the American has her own reasons for being in Erinsborough.
Holly, who has reinvented herself as Erinsborough’s own cross between Jessica Fletcher and Columbo, is highly suspicious of Tess’s behaviour. and does a little digging.
Krista urges Holly to stay away as everything that Tess sees and hears goes straight back to Reece and she is still concerned that Tess could drag her back to America at a moment’s notice.
When the co-project between Lassiters and Yorokobi is deemed a success, Tess assures Krista that she is impressed by what Krits is doing and she fully has her back… but can Tess be trusted?

Why is Tess really back in Erinsborough? Will Yorokobi survive now that Leo has broken things off with Byron and Nicolette? Can Toadie sort his feelings out?
New episodes of Neighbours are available on Amazon Freevee and Amazon Prime Video from 7am, Monday-Thursday.