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Things never stand still in Erinsborough and the unmissable drama continues next week as Vic’s return impacts his family, Terese’s struggles result in bad decisions and Holly’s refuses to face up to her past traumas.

Let’s a take a look at what will be happening next week on Neighbours, as always, we have left some of the details out, so you will need to watch all the episodes to find out everything that happens on Ramsay Street.


After using a friends date with Susan last week to try and accidentally bump into Paul, Terese finally admits to Susan that even though she feels the pull of Paul’s affection, she has no intention of following through with anything.

Terese get’s a heart-wrenching phone call from Nell and bumps into Paul immediately afterwards. Clearly upset by the call, Paul offers her a hug and the pair share a brief moment before realising that they are close to crossing a line and pulling away.

The emotional turmoil is taking its toll on Terese and the urge to fall back into bad habits and seek solace in alcohol become more and more tempting. When Susan accidentally lets slip that she has told Paul about Terese’s feelings towards him, it becomes too much and she takes a bottle of wine home with her from Eirini Rising.

Terese is officially off the wagon.

The following day, full of regret, Terese is adamant that she is going to get her house in order and take drastic steps to make changes in her life. She tells Jane and Susan that she is going to renovate her garden. Her friends think it will be good for Terese to have a focus, not realising what is driving the decision.

When Terese discovers a bottle of wine that has been delivered as a gift to Eirini Rising, the temptation becomes too much again and Terese takes it, but that wine was meant for resident Moira and when she demands to know where her wine has gone.

Terese realises the effect that drinking is having on her, feeling the effects of the withdrawal whenever she stops drinking. Others begin to notice that Terese is struggling and so she takes the day off to hide away at home. Just when she thinks she has gotten away with it, Nell makes a surprise return back to Ramsay Street and lets herself into Terese’s house to find her drinking.

Will Nell keep the secret or will she reveal Terese’s return to drinking?


Following Andrew’s suspension from work, Wendy becomes concerned that things are falling apart. She insists that need to talk and sort things out before it becomes more serious.

Andrew admits that the more he thinks about it, the more he can’t move past the thought of Wendy and Quinn together. He feels that it has tarnished everything he believed about their marriage.

Wendy is shocked that the issues run so deep and suggests that they go to marriage counselling to try and sort everything out. Andrew surprisingly agrees and Wendy hopes this is the beginning of a path back to where they used to be.

In opening up, Wendy admits that her connection to Quinn wasn’t an attraction to him as a person, but more the fact that she had chosen to resolve insecurities about her identity and culture. Andrew is less open, only admitting that seeing his wife have a connection with another man has resulted in a massive shift in their relationship.

Later, Andrew admits to Aaron that he doesn’t know if he can trust his wife anymore. He later uses his policing skills to track Quinn down and plans to confront Quinn, but when Sadie furiously intercepts Andrew’s planned meeting with Quinn, the situation escalates.

Wendy is furious to learn that Andrew went behind her back to contact Quinn and arrange to meet up with him. She goes to stay with her parents to give them both some space.


Whilst cleaning the car, JJ discovers the letter that Cara wrote to herself for her 40th birthday. He reads that Cara has dreamed about having another child. When JJ mentions this to Remi, she is shocked and brings the subject up with her wife who tries to play it down as just just a dream, not something she ever expected to happen.

Remi is clearly hesitant about the idea but tries to be open to her wife’s wants, but Cara makes it clear that she has already made her peace with the fact it will never happen.


Holly is clearly still struggling with the trauma of recent events. Felix has picked up on her issues but Holly is adamant that she doesn’t need help. When he discovers that she has thrown away a self-help book he gifted her, he finds a sneaky way to give it her back.

Holly remains resistant, but when Susan startles her, causing an over-reaction that injures Susan, Holly realises that she does have a problem and opens Felix’s book.


Despite Aaron’s injury, Krista is proud how well Boylesque is coming together, but that joy is short-lived when Moira and Hilary announce they have launched a campaign to get the “Peep Show” stopped.

Gino and Leo assure Krista that she doesn’t need to worry, but Paul, is on their side. He doesn’t want to alienate the community and Krista will be responsible for any problems that come from the boycott.

Krista plots to stop the petition and are successful with the help of some disappearing ink, defeating Hilary and Moira. When Aaron is called to an emergency at the Waterhole in the middle of a rehearsal, his tear-away pants fall off as he is walking through the complex, leaving him naked from the waist down. Moira is there to witness the public nakedness, with camera in hand.

This reignites the campaign to shut down the event, Moira rushing to the police with photographic evidence of inappropriate behaviour and they promise a picket line outside the show.

Krista isn’t about to be defeated.


Nic and Byron agree to accept the money from Vic, on the understanding that it doesn’t buy their forgiveness. Vic acknowledges their frustrations and lets them know he plans on buying a business close to Melbourne and settling down. When the kids are ready the door will be open to a future reconciliation.

Jane is struggling as she starts the final task in closing her relationship with Mike, selling his bike. After it sells for the full asking price, Jane is shocked to find the bike listed for resale online at a much higher price. She is even more amazed when she finds out that the person selling the bike is Vic.

With the help of Melanie, Jane and Vic discuss the situation and the truth behind why he bought the bike from Jane is revealed. Vic feels responsible for Jane and Mike’s relationship ending and wants to make everything as easy as possible for her.

Jane puts Vic right, he didn’t cause the problems in the relationship, he simply made Jane face up to problems that were already there and in a way, did her a favour. With everything out in the open, Jane and Vic reconcile, but the new relaxed relationship between his parents makes Byron feel very uneasy.


JJ is overjoyed to get a text from Nell, she has jumped on a bus to visit Erinsborough. He decides to skip school to spend time with her, buut Felix spots them sneaking off together and confronts the young lovers.

Felix threatens to call Cara and Remi and tell them what is happening, but JJ is shocked by the hypocrisy. Felix lets JJ know that he just doesn’t want him to make the same mistakes he did as a teen. Understanding Felix’s concern, JJ calls a truce with Felix, is this the beginning of a new bond?

Will Terese’s drinking be exposed? Is Paul flying too close to the flame? Is Jane falling back into Vic’s orbit… and how will that effect the blossoming affection between Vic and Melanie? Will Holly get the help she needs? Can Andrew and Wendy repair their relationship? Will Boylesque go ahead?

Watch episodes of Neighbours from 7am, Monday-Thursday on Amazon Freevee and Amazon Prime Video to find out everything that happens.

By Matt Sole

Matt was a Neighbours fan through the late 1980s and 1990s. After a number of years living overseas he returned to the UK and fell in love with Ramsay Street again in 2017. Away from Neighbours, Matt spent many years working as an Entertainment Director for a major Cruise Line. He is also an avid quizzer and has appeared on many TV game shows including Bridge of Lies, competing with other members of the team.