All images courtesy of Amazon MGM Studios

We saw high drama in a perfect blend with Neighbours’ trademark humour last week as Aaron’s naked antics as a member of the Boylesque troop provided some light relief from Terese’s struggles as loneliness kicked in.

Terese, getting used to life without her husband and stepchildren, found solace in her old friend, the wine bottle. After a number of close calls, she got rumbled when Nell returned to Ramsay Street unexpectedly.

The Rodwell marriage is on the rocks as Wendy took time away at her parent’s house following their trip to marriage counselling. Can they find a way back into love?


After being caught with a bottle of wine by Nell, Terese manages to worm her way out of the situation by lying and saying she hasn’t drank yet, but had been considering hitting the bottle. Terese begs Nell not to say anything to anyone and in exchange promises not to tell Toadie that Nell had visited Erinsborough without his permission.

Nell doesn’t completely stick to her end of the deal though, as she asks JJ to keep an eye on Terese when she goes back to Colac.

Susan also almost works out what is going on, but Terese manages to talk her way out of the situation and distracts Susan by agreeing to go to the Boylesque show with her. Later, Terese hears Susan and Karl talking about a bottle of wine that Moira had go missing and she knows it is only a matter of time before her secret is out…

At the show, Terese struggles when everyone around her is drinking and a heartsick run-in with Paul pushes her over the edge. She sneaks a quick drink, only to be caught by Vic. He doesn’t know about Terese’s drink issues and so thinks nothing of it, but Terese is getting anxious and plans a trip away to escape the eagle-eyes of her friends and neighbours.


WHen JJ defends Felix in Harold’s, Remi and Cara realise that there may well come a day when he does want to learn more about his biological father and so they need to change their approach when it comes to Felix. Cara is reluctant, but Remi suggests that they have a clean slate and get to know Felix a little better and plan a breakfast at The Tram.

Things initially go well until the ladies witness Karl accusing Felix of theft when money is discovered missing. Has he returned to his old ways?

Felix is shocked at Karl’s accusation and protests his innocence, supported by Andrew and Holly. Remi suggests that the police should get involved with the theft, surprisingly, it is Cara, not normally Felix’s biggest fan, who does a bit of digging and eventually proves his innocence.

Karl and Remi are quick to apologise and Felix is happy to start afresh with everyone.

Elsewhere in the Varga-Murphy family, Dex announces that he has decided to do the programming course and everyone seems excited, but the enthusiasm is short-lived when Dex overhears his parents discussing money troubles and immediately presumes this is because of the cost of his education.


The day has finally arrived for the big Boylesque show at Lassiters and (almost) everyone is excited for the event. The senior citizens could cause problems for Krista, but a bit of nimble work from Susan manages to keep the protesters away and the event goes without a hitch.

As the clothes come off on stage, love starts swirling around with Andrew and Wendy passionately (and very publicly) reigniting their relationship.

Rhett is totally smitten with Aaron and decides to finally make a move… only to be left hanging.

Although there platonically, Jane and Vic seem to be enjoying the entertainment and growing closer… this doesn’t go unnoticed by Byron and Nicolette who are rightfully concerned. When they bring the subject up, Jane denies there is anything untoward happening.

When Jane later speaks to Susan, she is a little more honest and admits that she thinks she may be falling for Vic again, unaware that Vic is secretly falling for Melanie… is a new love triangle about to begin?


When the Kennedys are entertaining Jane and Vic, Karl receives a mysterious phone call. He doesn’t reveal anything in front of his neighbours, but later tells Susan that the call was from Mike. He has invited Karl on a free motorbike tour around Scotland. (We know that Karl can’t say no to anything that is free).

With Karl knowing about Jane’s renewed romantic interest in Vic, Karl doesn’t see a problem in him going to visit his old friend, but Susan isn’t so sure it is a good idea.


After revealing her true feelings about to Susan, Jane is encouraged to admit everything to Vic, but the right moment never seems to come along.

Meanwhile, Melanie is getting the vibe that Vic is still into her and Krista convinces Mel that she, too, should admit her feelings to Vic.

When Vic reveals that he is planning to buy a pub in Gippsland, Jane realises that she needs to reconnect with Vic quickly and so plans a romantic dinner for them.

Melanie also plans a romantic dinner on the same evening. Vic, realising he is in a sticky situation, promises Melanie that he will visit her for dessert.

Back on Ramsay Street, Vic isn’t taking any of the hints that are being dropped and so Jane decides she is going to have to be bold and obvious in how she feels about Vic… she leans in and kisses him!


With Haz, Mackenzie and Krista all having moved out, just Nic and Byron are left at No.32 and they desperately need to get people in to share the rent. Rhett offers his real estate experience and suggests an open house so they can meet lots of potential room mates at the same time.

Aaron pops over during the open house and is disturbed to hear that Rhett himself is considering moving in. After recently turning down Rhett’s romantic advances, the recent memories of Logan’s stalkerish behaviours give Aaron cause for concern that Rhett is trying too hard to be around.


After a hot and steamy reunion at the Boylesque show, it seems like the Rodwell marriage is back on track, but when a birthday surprise for Wendy doesn’t go to plan, Andrew is left with egg on his face and the couple immediately get back to fighting.

Fed up with the instability at home, Sadie tells her parents she has had enough and she is moving out.

Luckily, her boyfriend Byron is looking for people to move into No.32 and she rushes over to tell him she is his new room mate, much to Byron’s shock.

Byron really doesn’t want to take that step in his relationship, but doesn’t know how to tell Sadie. When he brings it up, Sadie is offended. Byron desperately tries to reassure Sadie that he loves her and sees a big future for them, but her moving in just because she is angry at Andrew and Wendy isn’t right.

Sadie eventually agrees, but when Andrew and Wendy try and make peace with Sadie, she realises that it may help her parents rebuild their marriage if she isn’t around, so gets Byron to agree to letting her stay at No.32 for just a little bit longer…

So – will Terese be able to keep her drinking a secret for much longer? (We think everyone will know she has been drinking when they see her new front garden). Who will win the battle for Vic Stone? Is Rhett turning into another stalker? Can the Rodwells manage to sort their marriage out?

You will have to tune in to the daily goings on in Erinsborough to find out. New episodes of Neighbours land on Amazon Freevee and Amazon Prime Video from 7am, Monday-Thursday.

By Matt Sole

Matt was a Neighbours fan through the late 1980s and 1990s. After a number of years living overseas he returned to the UK and fell in love with Ramsay Street again in 2017. Away from Neighbours, Matt spent many years working as an Entertainment Director for a major Cruise Line. He is also an avid quizzer and has appeared on many TV game shows including Bridge of Lies, competing with other members of the team.