All images courtesy of Amazon MGM Studios

Another week of unmissable drama is behind us as the identity of the mystery pooper is finally revealed, but won’t be brought to justice, because Karl is quite easily bribed…. the pooper reveal wasn’t the only incident at the Eirini Rising grand opening, as it appears Leo’s winery has been sabotaged, leading to young Dex having a seizure after drinking from one of the bottles.

As the reality of Vic’s admission starts to set in with Byron, Nicolette and Jane, Vic took it upon himself to get involved with his children’s love life. Of course, it all went wrong and neither Byron or Nic ended the week particularly happy with their father.

Talking of Nic’s love life… wowsers! Was anyone else confused when Thursday’s episode began? (We thought we had missed an episode) Everything was explained when Nic’s hot and steamy tryst with Amira played out in a series of flashbacks. Poor Nicolette though, the first time she has fallen deep since Kiri and Amira was just in it for a good time, not a long time, so it seems.

Susan and Terese seem to have patched up their differences, but how long can that last for? We are sure there will be fireworks at Eirini Rising before too long. But Harold is back… reminiscing about his time in Erinsborough with Madge..

There is a lot to look forward to next week. As always, there are some great spoilers below, but we have left some bits out too so you have plenty to look forward to as we venture down under to visit our friends and neighbours in Erinsborough.


After Vic meddled in Byron and Nicolette’s love lives, he tries to correct his mistakes and approaches Amira saying that he misunderstood the situation. Amira is baffled why Vic is even talking to her about this, she lives on the other side of the country so there was never any chance of a relationship with Nicolette anyway. When word of this gets back to Nic, she can’t help but be disappointed that there is no future with Amira.

Byron is worried that Sadie is being distant with him since Vic bought wedding plans up. He explains that he never discussed marriage with Vic and everything just got blown out of proportion. Sadie admits that the whole thing got her a bit rattled, but she cares enough about him to move past the awkwardness. The two work on getting back on track and realise that they really don’t want to lose each other and for the first time tell each other “I love you”.

Happy that things are heading in the right direction again with his family, Vic suggests a day trip up to Mount Dandenong. When Jane reacts strangely to the suggestion, Vic explains to his kids that she had always talked about taking him to see the tourist spot when they were married, but never had the chance.

Jane says that she is way too busy to join them when Vic asks her to take a day off. Even when Nicolette begs Jane to reconsider, reminding her that Vic is dying, she digs her heels in and reminds her daughter that she is engaged to another man and joining the trip isn’t appropriate.

Vic remains hopeful, but as the family head up to the Mountain, he can’t help but be disappointed when Jane doesn’t show.


When Amira continually gets in the way of her spending time with Haz, Mackenzie can’t help but get more frustrated. Haz admits that he knows how overbearing Amira can be, but he really wants to concentrate on rebuilding his relationship with his family.

When Mack finds out that Haz’s family have left her been completely left out of his legal defence, things boil over, but Amira is dismissive of Mack’s shock and hurt feelings. Holly tries to manage the sitaution and tells Mackenzie just to ask to have the time she needs with Haz, but Amira doesn’t understand why she should sacrifice the limited time she has with her brother. Mackenzie breaks and tells Amira how has criticised her and called her annoying. Whilst Haz is horrified that Mack has jeopardised his relationship with his sister, Amira announces that she is heading back to Western Australia.


Dex remains ill in hospital after the incident at the vineyard and the Varga-Murphy family anxiously await the results of the bottle analysis in the hope that they will provide so answers on his condition.

Meanwhile, Leo has had to recall of all of the bottles and his business has taken a bit of a hit. When the results of the bottle analysis are inconclusive, Leo can’t help but feel guilty that he didn’t hand teh bottle over sooner. Desperate to find out what happened, he asks all the staff to check their dash cams to see if there is anything unusual, only to see that Krista’s former drug dealer, Shannon, was seen there on the day the suspected sabotage occured. Andrew questions Shannon who admits to having visited the vineyard and planned to vandalise the property in an act of revenge. She claims that she backed out when she saw crowds of people at the Vineyard, but Andrew isn’t convinced and charges Shannon.

The poisoning has been picked up by a popular crime podcast, “Crimesborough” and Leo’s business begins to cop some heat from the presenter, Liv. Krista finds out that Liv has received an anonymous tip-off about Leo holding onto the poisoned bottle and the podcast implies that Leo has something to hide.

With the podcast painting Leo in a bad light, clients start cancelling events and orders, leaving Leo and his business in a desperate state. This leaves Leo in a desperate state and he blows up at Andrew for the lack of police action.

Leo finally admits that he doesn’t have a financial safety net and this dip in business could ruin him.

Krista suggests that Leo reach out to Paul or even Reece for some financial help, but he stubbornly refuses.

Leo does manage to find out the online identity of the person who tipped off Liv about the poisoned bottle, “ILLEGALLY_BLONDE_07”, and sets about finding out who it is…


In an effort to rebuild his reputation and get people to trust him again, JJ volunteers to help out at the community centre, which delights Nell, who will be able to see JJ more often. Toadie is unwavering though and reminds Nell that the two are banned from seeing each other. JJ pleads with Toadie to trust him but it falls on deaf ears.

Even Terese questions if Toadie is being too harsh, but he reminds her that Nell is the same age as Sonya was when she first went off the rails and ended up falling pregnant with Callum and he doesn’t want history repeating itself. Terese reminds Toadie that Nell and Sonya are very different people and the more uncompromising he is with her, the more likely it is that his daughter will rebel.

Nell invites JJ over whilst the family are out and when the pair head up to Nell’s room and share a moment of intimacy, Toadie walks in and busts them, throwing JJ out.

Terese tries to calm the situation down and play go-between, eventually getting Toadie to extend an olive branch to the Varga-Murphys. Eventually Toadie agrees that JJ and Nell can spend time together on the proviso that there are other people around too.


Karl is loving life with the great bike that was gifted by Shirley Burchmore. WHen Mackenzie questions where the bike came from, Karl is is very vague. Susan is not so discreet though and fills Mack in on everything that happened.

Shirley and Jacob are pleased to see Karl enjoying the bike, but the mood quickly shifts when Jacob is summoned to the police station and charged with public indecency. The pair accuse Karl of blabbing and despite please of innocence, Shirley takes back the bike.

Later, Mackenzie confesses that she was responsible for the news getting out. She mentioned Jacob’s pooping habits to an old friend from law school, not knowing that her friend was up against Jacob in a case and they revealed the information to discredit him.


Karl is loving the new job at Eirini Rising and goes about setting up wellness assessments for all of the residents. Harold is at the top of the list, but is very evasive, claiming he doesn’t have his diary with him and then that he can’t find it.

When Karl expresses concern, Susan reassures him that Harold might just not understand the benefits of preventative medicine. Karl explains the program and is satisfied with Harold’s response, but when Harold is left alone in his apartment, it is clear that he is hiding something…

What is Harold’s secret? Will JJ and Nell be able to play by the rules? Is Vic trying to worm his way back into Jane’s life? Are Haz and Mack set for a reunion or has Amira’s visit made Haz reassess his future?

These episodes of Neighbours will be streaming from 7am Monday-Thursday on Amazon Freevee and Amazon Prime Video.

By Matt Sole

Matt was a Neighbours fan through the late 1980s and 1990s. After a number of years living overseas he returned to the UK and fell in love with Ramsay Street again in 2017. Away from Neighbours, Matt spent many years working as an Entertainment Director for a major Cruise Line. He is also an avid quizzer and has appeared on many TV game shows including Bridge of Lies, competing with other members of the team.